The Social Contract
In order for any form of organized society to function it is required to adopt what is called a [Social Contract](( For the lucky individuals who have not had to suffer a fate worse than death reading Leviathan - a Social Contract is a theory that individuals in a given political system consent to giving up certain rights in exchange for allowing the State (be that democratic or authoritarian) to protect whatever rights remain and maintain social order.
For a more modern take - "A social contract is the set of rights and mutual responsibilities that we have among ourselves as citizens in a constitutional democracy. A social contract is both what’s asked of us…and all that is made possible for us by virtue of our participation" (Democracy in the Time of Coronavirus - Danielle Allen).
We do not sign this contract. We are simply born into a world where the contract has already been signed for us. In exchange we are expected behave and act in accordance to the contract values.
In the United States, our Social Contract is typical