

One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

Time and circumstance are the only things that separate one individual from another. You do not know the entire history or timeline of another person. You are not "better" than anyone else; you are simply you, shaped by events, actions, and consequences determined by cosmological chance.

This does not mean you should be soft or accept abuse and harm from others. It means you should always be aware that other people exist, each with their own traumas, pains, families, and goals. When interacting with others, strive to treat them as neutral beings. Never assume someone is better or worse than yourself, and never think you could never be in another person's situation.

Treat all living beings with respect, as we all have a right to exist, to live in peace, and to make a good life for ourselves, even if only for the briefest of time.